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Evolvulus - 8PCS

$24.97 $17.97 Save 28%

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🧶Crochet Time:7 hours

Color: Evolvulus - 8PCS
Are you looking for the best beginner crochet tutorials? Online shopping for Granny square crochet kits has never been easier! Come and see Evolvulus Crochet Kit from Yeezhee.
What is in Crochet kit ?
  • Chain Yarn: 55% cotton+45% acrylic Blended Yarns
  • 3.5MM crochet hook x1
  • Marking clips x2
  • A shoulder straps
  • A threading needle
  • An instruction manual
Are there instructions for newbies ?

Step by step guides are provided. We've recorded exclusive full-process videos for each product so you can accelerate your learning with detailed illustrations and US crochet terms.

Granny Square bag size

Granny square bag after following the step-by-step crochet. Usually can carry 1kg, this is not the highest figure.

Size is 9.8inchx9.8inch, suitable for daily use.


Evolvulus 8pcs, crochet 8 identical granny squares in double and single crochet, then join them together to make a bag that is both stylish and durable.

Enjoy Crocheting

The yarn provided in the kit is guaranteed to be sufficient for crocheting in the proportions of our colorways, so to avoid the possibility of not having enough yarn, kindly crochet according to the colorways pictured !

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