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Crochet: The healing art of anxiety and stress relief

According to a monthly health psychology survey by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Americans' mental well-being is being seriously affected by a series of external pressures beyond individual control. The majority of adults are experiencing anxiety about an uncertain future, fear of historic levels of inflation, and disappointment in the perceived lack of protection of collective rights. These external factors are causing a significant increase in anxiety and stress among Americans, impacting their mental health.

The APA, in response to this survey, has provided some coping mechanisms when faced with stress. Breaking negative thought patterns, avoiding preconceived outcomes, engaging in unexpected activities to enhance adaptability, and focusing on controllable aspects of life to boost confidence are some of the recommended strategies. Additionally, being patient with oneself and valuing one's own opinions without seeking external validation are crucial aspects of self-care.

Choosing effective stress-relief methods is paramount. Traditional crafts like crochet are making a resurgence in the United States and have become the preferred choice for many to release stress and combat mental health issues.

Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the American Institute of Stress, mentioned in his book "The Relaxation Response" that engaging in repetitive activities like knitting, crocheting, and sewing has the same effect as yoga and meditation. It lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. Crochet therapy is even being applied in hospitals, prisons, and charitable organizations as a form of psychotherapy, contributing to the treatment of social mental health issues.


Since the mid-1990s, the Craft Yarn Council (CYC) has conducted surveys on hundreds of thousands of knitters to understand why they enjoy this craft. Alleviating stress and unleashing creativity consistently ranked at the top. For these crocheters, hope for the future has been reignited.

As time goes on, more and more scientific studies and articles confirm that the concentration and positivity involved in the process of crochet have a positive impact on emotions, psyche, and even the body.

Crochet can change your life. In this chaotic societal environment, it's challenging to focus on one thing as we grapple with events beyond our control. When you become a crocheter, you'll find that things start moving in a positive direction.

Crochet has a strong allure. Once you take the first step, you'll want to keep going. It brings your focus back, making you realize your controllability, and greatly alleviates your anxiety," says Lan, the founder of the Yeezhee brand, who has personally benefited from crochet.


Lan aims to spread awareness about the positive effects of crochet through the Yeezhee brand.He has created a series of collections under the Yeezhee brand, which includes 8-piece and 13-piece crochet kit.

Our crochet kit package is printed with Yeezhee kit Easy crochet.This is a fun motto for people who want to learn to crochet easily with Yeezhee and be able to benefit from crocheting, including relieving stress and anxiety and maintaining mental health.

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